Source code for flump

    An API builder which depends on Flask and Marshmallow and follows

    .. note:: Currently missing content negotation
             (, possibly
             to be added in a later version.

    :copyright: (c) 2015 by RolePoint.

import logging

from flask import Blueprint, request
from werkzeug.exceptions import MethodNotAllowed

from .error_handlers import register_error_handlers
from .methods import HttpMethods
from .orm import OrmIntegration
from .fetcher import Fetcher
from .view import FlumpView, _FlumpMethodView
from .web_utils import MIMETYPE  # noqa

__version__ = "0.11.2"

__all__ = ['FlumpView', 'FlumpBlueprint', 'OrmIntegration', 'Fetcher',

[docs]class FlumpBlueprint(Blueprint): """ A specialised Flask Blueprint for Marshmallow, which provides a convenience method for registering FlumpView routes. :param logging: If True, Provides some default logging. This logs the request HTTP method, the kwargs passed to the view endpoint, and the request JSON body. Adds the 'application/vnd.api+json' Content-Type header to all responses. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FlumpBlueprint, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) register_error_handlers(self) if kwargs.pop('logging', False): @self.before_request def do_logging(): logger = logging.getLogger('flump.view.{}'.format( debug_string = ( "%s request made for resource type %s with kwargs: %s " "and data: %s" ) logger.debug(debug_string, request.method, request.view_args,
[docs] def register_flump_view(self, view_class, url): """ Registers the various URL rules for the given `flump_view` on the Blueprint. :param flump_view: The :class:`.view.FlumpView` to register URLs for. """ flump_view = view_class() view_func = _FlumpMethodView.as_view( getattr(flump_view, 'VIEW_NAME', flump_view.RESOURCE_NAME), flump_view=flump_view ) methods = flump_view.HTTP_METHODS # Our canonical URLs do not have a trailing slash. # Though we use `strict_slashes=False` to make sure the route matches # on both anyway. url = url.rstrip('/') url_mapping = flump_view.URL_MAPPING def register_endpoint(flump_method, flask_method): if flump_method in url_mapping: func = view_func if flump_method <= methods else _meth_not_allowed self.add_url_rule( url_mapping[flump_method].format(url), methods=flask_method, view_func=func, strict_slashes=False ) register_endpoint(HttpMethods.GET, ('GET', )) register_endpoint(HttpMethods.GET_MANY, ('GET', )) register_endpoint(HttpMethods.POST, ('POST', )) register_endpoint(HttpMethods.PATCH, ('PATCH', )) register_endpoint(HttpMethods.DELETE, ('DELETE', ))
[docs] def flump_view(self, url): """ A class decorator for registering a flump view. :param url: The URL to register the view under. """ def flump_view_decorator(view_class): self.register_flump_view(view_class, url) return view_class return flump_view_decorator
def _meth_not_allowed(*args, **kwargs): """ We implement a function which only raises MethodNotAllowed in order to return the correct response for methods not defined for a given flump_view. """ raise MethodNotAllowed