Example with limited HTTP MethodsΒΆ

import uuid
from collections import namedtuple

from flask import Flask
from flump import (FlumpBlueprint, FlumpView, HttpMethods, OrmIntegration,
from marshmallow import Schema, fields

# Our non-persistent "database"

# The "model" we will be storing in our "database"
User = namedtuple('User', ('id', 'etag', 'name'))

# Instantiate our FlumpBlueprint ready for hooking up to our Flask app.
blueprint = FlumpBlueprint('flump-example', __name__)

class UserSchema(Schema):
    name = fields.Str(required=True)

# Our ORM Integration, as we are not supporting DELETE or UPDATE in this
# example we do not need to include `delete_entity` or `update_entity` methods.
class FakeOrm(OrmIntegration):
    def create_entity(self, data):
        entity = User(str(len(INSTANCES) + 1), uuid.uuid4(), data['name'])
        return entity

    def update_entity(self, entity, data):
        return entity._replace(**data)

# Our Fetcher implementation
class FakeFetcher(Fetcher):
    def get_entity(self, entity_id):
            _id = int(entity_id)
        except ValueError:

        if _id <= len(INSTANCES):
            return INSTANCES[_id - 1]

    def get_total_entities(self, **kwargs):
        return len(INSTANCES)

    def get_many_entities(self, pagination_args, **kwargs):
        return INSTANCES

# Our FlumpView, as we are only supporing GET and POST, we specify these as
# our METHODS.
class UserView(FlumpView):
    SCHEMA = UserSchema
    RESOURCE_NAME = 'user'
    HTTP_METHODS = HttpMethods.READ_ONLY | HttpMethods.POST

    FETCHER = FakeFetcher

# Create our app and register our Blueprint
app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix='/flump')

# Finally run the app.
if __name__ == "__main__":